Saturday, August 27, 2011

The little girl in the purple shirt

I know I just blogged. 2 in a row, or at least pretty close to 2 in a row......that is somewhat of a small miracle I am certain. I have a lot on my mind, but not really much blogging material, but a crowded mind no less. Last night Kaleb went to his first High School football game. He got to wear his jersey and show his support for the Washington Panthers. They won, and he was pumped when he got home. It was a lot of fun for him and I could tell he really enjoyed it. Mahala got to go spend the night with her Nana, which is always a fun thing for her because it means no brothers, no chores, no helping mommy out when she is up to her elbows in busyness. I am sure that was fun for her, it always is. Sometimes I wish I could go to Nana's and stay up late, and sleep in and get pancakes in the morning for breakfast, ones I didn't have to make.

Mic is at work, again, as usual. Komatsu is really busy right now. It is a good thing for our family, because he is working so hard it makes it possible for the kids to do the things they do, and for us to buy food and put a roof over our head as well. He is an amazing husband and dad. I am one lucky lady.

This morning the boys and I went around to a few garage sales. At one particular garage sale there was a mom, she had a baby in her arms and she was walking in and our of her doors and around the side of the house. Since we had just hunted down our own two puppies this morning I felt her pain, so I asked "did you lose your puppy?" she replied "no" (pause) "my daughter". Needless to say I dropped what I was looking at (girls size 7 jeans from Justice, umm yes please) and immediately started helping her. I asked what her name was, Madison. I asked what she was wearing, a purple shirt. Then I sent Kaleb to the van where Kellin and Colton were engrossed in Toy Story and I started yelling and walking and running up and down the block. And still people continued to shop at her garage sale. At this point her husband is yelling and going up and down the other side of the block. Her father, who was obviously a very proud Papa by the looks of  his ball cap and t-shirt was in and out of the house, looking under the deck, in the backyard, you name it. So four of us are looking for Madison, the little girl in the purple shirt with long blonde hair. And still people continue to shop at this woman's garage sale. Oblivious. We looked for a good 10 minutes. I went and told the woman that she needed to call the Police. 10 minutes was too long, especially when you are having a Garage Sale and who knows who could have come to your house, saw you were distracted with someone or something and taken off with your daughter. 10 minutes. A lot can happen in 10 minutes. Might I add people continued to shop at the Garage Sale. Oblivious. And anyone who knows me knows that I am not a quiet woman. I was yelling for Madison, who could have just as easily been Mahala, in a purple shirt, with long blonde hair. About the time I was staring this frantic mother with a baby in her arms in the eye watching the look of panic on her face turn to sheer terror her neighbor comes out of the house, realizes we are yelling for Madison and goes inside to retrieve her and her friend from inside. Thank you God. Thank you for letting Madison be inside the neighbors house with her friend. She came outside, Mom hugged her and sent her inside immediately. She was not happy as Madison had not told her she was going inside anywhere. I imagine after some scolding and some fierce hugging Madison figured out that she was not supposed to go into anyone's house without telling Mom first. Poor girl. Poor Mom. Madison in the purple shirt with the long blonde hair wasn't missing after all, but she could have been, and people didn't care. They were busy looking for their bargain or their deal of the day. It makes me sad. People can be so sad.

Can I add that my size 7 Justice jeans for Mahala were right where I dropped them. So I still got my deal of the day. Madison was home safely and her Mom still has 2 kids to tuck into bed tonight. And I had nothing to do with any of it, but I still thanked God when we were driving away from that Garage Sale. What happened to the days when we could go outside as kids and play all day. We didn't have to check in because our parents didn't fear that some creep was going to come down the street and abduct us, or that some older kids were going to bully us, or offer us drugs. That is how it was when I was a kid. It isn't like that now.

I am happy my children have wonderful people in their life that they can spend time with. Friends, other parents who are just as watchful as I am, Nana, the neighborhood kids, where you can almost always walk out to the group of kids when they are playing and see another parent sitting on their porch watching, or a mom peeking out the window to do a quick headcount.

My thought for the day is simple. I am happy Madison in the purple shirt with long blonde hair is home. I am even happier Kaleb, Mahala, Kellin and Colton are home too. I am sad that people were too engrossed in a lame Garage Sale to even care about Madison. However, my happiness outweighs my sadness on this given day because having my children in my arms, and in my sight is just that amazing. Give your kids a little extra squeeze tonight.

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