This week was busy. In fact it was so busy I cannot hardly remember Monday. So, I will look back on my calendar and give you a run down of the highlights that I am sure you are just dying to hear about. Not to mention it was the big kids first full week back at school, whew.
Monday opened up a door. Possibly a door that I could plunge through and make some things happen. I just am not convinced it is the right door. Still pondering and praying for guidance.
Tuesday was my Tuesday morning Bible Study. I love love love my Tuesday morning Bible Study. I don't ever want to give that up, ever. The ladies are awesome. The encouragement is amazing and I learn so much.
Wednesday is our Awana day. The kids are half way through their school week at this point, and I am beginning to remember the Wednesday morning shuffle. It is hard, and they needed some encouragement, so they got to eat some Halloween candy before I took them to school. You are so welcome public school teachers, I am that mom. Awana night in the nursery was especially fun this past Wednesday. I am pretty sure it had something to do with the chocolate cupcakes provided by my sweet friend Cara, of which I ate 4. Yes, 4. And I am not ashamed in the least. I am pretty certain they were fat free.
Thursday was tubes day for the red head. He did not care for the entire situation at all. He was a nervous wreck from the moment we walked into Proctor. After he woke up from the anesthesia he was hysterical until he was sure we were far away from the hospital and well on our way home. Poor kid. But after a good nap he was in rare form and wired for sound. God please help me. Please.
Thursday also included Mahala's eye exam. Her vision has gotten significantly worse, not better. Disappointing. Good news is Komtasu's Vision Service Plan rocks and saved us a ton of money, so she can at least get the glasses she so desperately needs.
Thursday also holds my favorite shows. Greys Anatomy and Private Practice. Unfortunately the story line for both has turned into something that I just don't really consider enjoyable at this time in my life. War, PTSD and rape. No thanks. Got some pondering to do on that subject as well considering one of my most FAVORITE people in the world takes hours out of her Thursday each week to come eat dinner with me and the kids and watch those shows with me. Ugh.
Friday was awesome. It was a MOPS Friday. Probably my most favorite 2 days of the month are MOPS Fridays. We packed boxes for Operation Christmas Child. I found out who my Mentor Mom is going to be. And we played a very fun game at MOPS. All very encouraging. Not to mention I came home from MOPS to a clean house. The only things at my house were a husband, 2 cats and a dog. Yep, you guessed, I pretty much have the most amazing husband ever. Ever. Really, ever, you have no idea, most amazing. Ever.
Friday also gave me some answers I was seeking in another area of my life and I have started the ball rolling on that. It is funny the answer to some needs we have had has been sitting in front of our face for a while, and it just now occurred to both of us that this might be the answer we have been seeking.
And Kaleb just lost his other front tooth. The tooth fairy is real, and I know she loves our house because we keep her gainfully employed. HOWEVER, if by chance the tooth fairy were not real and it was just us parents. We would be broke and running out of creative ways to try and show the kids that each tooth they lose is just as unique and special as the last, especially since the last one was just like 2 weeks ago. Of course, that is only IF the tooth fairy wasn't real. And we all know that she is.
Although I am tired of sitting at home on Friday night alone with four kids, and yes, that is possible to be alone with 4 kids, and my back is hurting me very very much I had an amazing week. I have a chiropractor appointment on Monday. Hope that will help with the serious back pain I have been having lately.
There is actually so much more to tell, but I have found that blogs lose their interest after about the first 2 paragraphs if there isn't a great writer on the other side of the key board or a very funny story taking place. Neither of which is happening in this particular blog so I'm gonna go.......
But first, here is one for good measure because I promised in the last blog that I would post a picture of our newest family member, Pumpkin.
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