I know I just blogged. 2 in a row, or at least pretty close to 2 in a row......that is somewhat of a small miracle I am certain. I have a lot on my mind, but not really much blogging material, but a crowded mind no less. Last night Kaleb went to his first High School football game. He got to wear his jersey and show his support for the Washington Panthers. They won, and he was pumped when he got home. It was a lot of fun for him and I could tell he really enjoyed it. Mahala got to go spend the night with her Nana, which is always a fun thing for her because it means no brothers, no chores, no helping mommy out when she is up to her elbows in busyness. I am sure that was fun for her, it always is. Sometimes I wish I could go to Nana's and stay up late, and sleep in and get pancakes in the morning for breakfast, ones I didn't have to make.
Mic is at work, again, as usual. Komatsu is really busy right now. It is a good thing for our family, because he is working so hard it makes it possible for the kids to do the things they do, and for us to buy food and put a roof over our head as well. He is an amazing husband and dad. I am one lucky lady.
This morning the boys and I went around to a few garage sales. At one particular garage sale there was a mom, she had a baby in her arms and she was walking in and our of her doors and around the side of the house. Since we had just hunted down our own two puppies this morning I felt her pain, so I asked "did you lose your puppy?" she replied "no" (pause) "my daughter". Needless to say I dropped what I was looking at (girls size 7 jeans from Justice, umm yes please) and immediately started helping her. I asked what her name was, Madison. I asked what she was wearing, a purple shirt. Then I sent Kaleb to the van where Kellin and Colton were engrossed in Toy Story and I started yelling and walking and running up and down the block. And still people continued to shop at her garage sale. At this point her husband is yelling and going up and down the other side of the block. Her father, who was obviously a very proud Papa by the looks of his ball cap and t-shirt was in and out of the house, looking under the deck, in the backyard, you name it. So four of us are looking for Madison, the little girl in the purple shirt with long blonde hair. And still people continue to shop at this woman's garage sale. Oblivious. We looked for a good 10 minutes. I went and told the woman that she needed to call the Police. 10 minutes was too long, especially when you are having a Garage Sale and who knows who could have come to your house, saw you were distracted with someone or something and taken off with your daughter. 10 minutes. A lot can happen in 10 minutes. Might I add people continued to shop at the Garage Sale. Oblivious. And anyone who knows me knows that I am not a quiet woman. I was yelling for Madison, who could have just as easily been Mahala, in a purple shirt, with long blonde hair. About the time I was staring this frantic mother with a baby in her arms in the eye watching the look of panic on her face turn to sheer terror her neighbor comes out of the house, realizes we are yelling for Madison and goes inside to retrieve her and her friend from inside. Thank you God. Thank you for letting Madison be inside the neighbors house with her friend. She came outside, Mom hugged her and sent her inside immediately. She was not happy as Madison had not told her she was going inside anywhere. I imagine after some scolding and some fierce hugging Madison figured out that she was not supposed to go into anyone's house without telling Mom first. Poor girl. Poor Mom. Madison in the purple shirt with the long blonde hair wasn't missing after all, but she could have been, and people didn't care. They were busy looking for their bargain or their deal of the day. It makes me sad. People can be so sad.
Can I add that my size 7 Justice jeans for Mahala were right where I dropped them. So I still got my deal of the day. Madison was home safely and her Mom still has 2 kids to tuck into bed tonight. And I had nothing to do with any of it, but I still thanked God when we were driving away from that Garage Sale. What happened to the days when we could go outside as kids and play all day. We didn't have to check in because our parents didn't fear that some creep was going to come down the street and abduct us, or that some older kids were going to bully us, or offer us drugs. That is how it was when I was a kid. It isn't like that now.
I am happy my children have wonderful people in their life that they can spend time with. Friends, other parents who are just as watchful as I am, Nana, the neighborhood kids, where you can almost always walk out to the group of kids when they are playing and see another parent sitting on their porch watching, or a mom peeking out the window to do a quick headcount.
My thought for the day is simple. I am happy Madison in the purple shirt with long blonde hair is home. I am even happier Kaleb, Mahala, Kellin and Colton are home too. I am sad that people were too engrossed in a lame Garage Sale to even care about Madison. However, my happiness outweighs my sadness on this given day because having my children in my arms, and in my sight is just that amazing. Give your kids a little extra squeeze tonight.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
15 days
It has been 15 days since my last blog. I often think of things to blog, then time gets away, we get busy and I lose track of my thoughts. Who would have ever thought so much could possibly happen in 15 days. I will attempt to re-cap in as few words as possible. Anyone who knows me know that in itself will be a challenge. Few words you say? Hmmm, grab a cup of coffee and don't hold your breath.
We will start with Kaleb because he is the oldest and he is at an absolutely fascinating stage in his life right now. School started last Friday. He seems to like the new school well enough, he has quite a few older friends in grades above him and they all live in the neighborhood. This past week our house has become the place to be. Whether it be in the yard, at my kitchen table, in Kaleb's room in just hanging out in the living room. I love it. It is always how I imagined it. Kaleb has also been at football practice constantly. He is very good at football. The most important thing he has going for him at this stage is his listening skills. He listens to the coach and does what he tells him, so he is getting a good solid basis of the fundamentals. I talked to Kaleb earlier in the week and told him the good thing about football is if you stick with it you are guaranteed to get better. If you push yourself at anything the only thing you can do is improve, and he is working very hard at this sport. I love the sparkle in his eyes, and he never complains, even when I can tell his little muscles ache (and YES, he does have definite muscles, I was very shocked by that revelation when I saw all the definition in my little boy!). He has 2 positions on the team, one on offense and one defense, he is middle line backer and tight-end. Both very good positions, and he is learning his jobs well. I am very proud of him. He got to pick his jersey number, he picked 2 because according to him that is his number. Who can argue with him, he was born on 2/2/2002 at 2:25 a.m. Pretty awesome. He walks to school every day since we live right behind the school. He really likes that, he gets picked up by a couple of his friends on the way and the stroll through the back gate of the school yard together. I know this because I watch him every single day. I am that mom. But in my defense I have always kept a watchful eye on the street and the back of the schoolyard in the mornings and the afternoons, even before my kid went to this school. Because that is what Mom's do, and I would expect that from any mother that could look out for kids, wouldn't you?
Last blurb about Kaleb....we went to the Orthodontist yesterday. I knew Kaleb had some issues with his teeth. I was not prepared for the news we got. Kaleb has to get a couple of his baby teeth pulled because his adult teeth need to come in before they get impacted. He will be going through 3 phases, one to fix his bite, one to straighten his teeth enough to get a full set of braces on there, and then a full set. The total for all of this is $9000. Yes, $9000. I told the ladies at the orthodontist that they need to bring in paper bags when they bring in the prices for each phase. I felt dizzy when they started going over the numbers. It is totally worth it, don't get me wrong, but wow. Luckily he does have double orthodontic coverage and we get some discounts but it is still going to be quite a hit. Scouts and Awana both start soon. Kaleb will probably miss some of those meetings due to football, but after football season starts he can jump right back in.
Mahala is doing really well in school. This year is going infinitely smoother then past years. She is a very emotional creature, I could not possibly imagine where she gets that from!! Haha. It is hard for me to remember that she is so young for her grade. I question whether or not I should have held her back since her birthday is so close to the cut off, but academically she excels. Emotionally she has some catching up to do. I have been reassured time and time again that she does wonderfully in school, but I am mama, it is my job to incessantly question myself as a parent and wonder how much counseling my children will have to seek when they are adults due to the irreversible damage caused by my cluelessness as a parent isn't it? Hmm, maybe I need counseling!! Kidding. Okay all joking aside. Mahala turned 7 last week. She got a brand new 20 inch bike for her birthday. It was a risk since she did not know how to ride a bike. She does now, although she lacks the confidence to ride for longer then 15 seconds straight before slamming on her brakes, she does know how to ride her bike straight and in a circle. I taught her how to do that. There was some falling, some tears and a fair amount of frustration. I guess that is what happens when you have a mother and a daughter that are exactly alike in every way imaginable. I love that girl. I don't think I could ask for anything different. She is constantly teaching me new things about myself. The other night she wanted me to reteach her how to wash her hair and use conditioner because she wants her hair to smell good all the time. It was fun and I love that she is constantly, and I do mean constantly wanting to soak up something new, no matter how small.
Mahala starts Girl Scouts for the year next Monday. Then Tuesday she starts gymnastics. She too is in Awana this year at our church every Wednesday, and I am pretty certain she is going to be her big brothers number one cheerleader on the sidelines every Saturday morning and my biggest helper. She is an awesome little girl.
Now on to Kellin. He is potty trained. The child that I thought would graduate from high school, possibly even college in diapers now wears underwear. He does a pretty darn good job at telling me when he needs to go to the bathroom, even when he is grossly involved in playing or some other activity. I think it is pretty amazing, both on his part and mine. That means out of my 4 children I only have one in diapers. I am pretty excited about that!!
Kellin is also starting to talk more. He keeps the entire family constantly entertained with his antics. Like when he comes up to me and "Shut the front door mom!", or walks up to Kaleb and his buddies and says "Come on guys.... are you serious?" (pronounced sewious). Pretty funny that kid. Kaleb especially enjoys it and laughs at him until he has tears in his eyes so even if you don't think Kellin is all that funny watching Kaleb laugh at him most certainly is.
Colton stood yesterday while he was leaning on the coffee table, and then he turned and leaned on the couch. He did not get up there on his own, but he stood no less. That is promising that he at least has the muscle tone to do so. He should start his physical therapy soon along with some other therapies. Our six month goal for him is to be walking. That puts him at 21 months. It may not be terribly realistic, but it is a goal no less and that gives us something to gauge his progress by and aim for. Goals are good, even the ones that may be just out of reach.
Mic has been working constantly. I am fairly certain Komatsu is trying to kill him. But they won't be able to. He is far too strong for that. He amazes me with his ability to get up each and every morning, often 7 days a week lately and go to work. And his work is hard, he is in a very physically demanding job. Then he still comes home and mows, and takes Kaleb to football and helps with the little kids a lot. I am not sure how he does it physically, but I thank God for him every chance I get.
I started school this week. I am taking 5 classes. It is way overwhelming, but I just keep telling myself that I only have 2 semesters left. I can do anything for 2 semesters. I mean I am the perpetual student. I have earned my Bachelors degree, part of a masters and now a Paralegal Certificate. Certainly I can do 2 semesters right? That remains to be seen my friends, but I am hopeful. Didn't I just say something about it being good to have goals......even if they are just out of reach? Hopefully this one just seems a tad bit out of reach because it is the first week and I don't even know which books go with which class at this point. I will get there, get in and get it done....eventually.
This blog is way too long. It isn't even really like a blog once you get to the third paragraph is it? It is more like a short story, or a memoir. Whatever. No deep insights this time around, no sentimental goo, just enjoying the stages of each of my children right now and trying to keep my head above water, or at least feel like I am keeping my head above water. School, football, gymnastics, Scouts, Awana, Mops, school activities, dr's, PT, oh and Fantasy Football this weekend! That means college football starts soon too along with the NFL, now those are good times!
My thoughts for the day remains original and totally random. Don't waste time taking too many pictures but don't every be sorry you didn't take enough. Try to find that perfect balance, just like everything else in life!
We will start with Kaleb because he is the oldest and he is at an absolutely fascinating stage in his life right now. School started last Friday. He seems to like the new school well enough, he has quite a few older friends in grades above him and they all live in the neighborhood. This past week our house has become the place to be. Whether it be in the yard, at my kitchen table, in Kaleb's room in just hanging out in the living room. I love it. It is always how I imagined it. Kaleb has also been at football practice constantly. He is very good at football. The most important thing he has going for him at this stage is his listening skills. He listens to the coach and does what he tells him, so he is getting a good solid basis of the fundamentals. I talked to Kaleb earlier in the week and told him the good thing about football is if you stick with it you are guaranteed to get better. If you push yourself at anything the only thing you can do is improve, and he is working very hard at this sport. I love the sparkle in his eyes, and he never complains, even when I can tell his little muscles ache (and YES, he does have definite muscles, I was very shocked by that revelation when I saw all the definition in my little boy!). He has 2 positions on the team, one on offense and one defense, he is middle line backer and tight-end. Both very good positions, and he is learning his jobs well. I am very proud of him. He got to pick his jersey number, he picked 2 because according to him that is his number. Who can argue with him, he was born on 2/2/2002 at 2:25 a.m. Pretty awesome. He walks to school every day since we live right behind the school. He really likes that, he gets picked up by a couple of his friends on the way and the stroll through the back gate of the school yard together. I know this because I watch him every single day. I am that mom. But in my defense I have always kept a watchful eye on the street and the back of the schoolyard in the mornings and the afternoons, even before my kid went to this school. Because that is what Mom's do, and I would expect that from any mother that could look out for kids, wouldn't you?
Last blurb about Kaleb....we went to the Orthodontist yesterday. I knew Kaleb had some issues with his teeth. I was not prepared for the news we got. Kaleb has to get a couple of his baby teeth pulled because his adult teeth need to come in before they get impacted. He will be going through 3 phases, one to fix his bite, one to straighten his teeth enough to get a full set of braces on there, and then a full set. The total for all of this is $9000. Yes, $9000. I told the ladies at the orthodontist that they need to bring in paper bags when they bring in the prices for each phase. I felt dizzy when they started going over the numbers. It is totally worth it, don't get me wrong, but wow. Luckily he does have double orthodontic coverage and we get some discounts but it is still going to be quite a hit. Scouts and Awana both start soon. Kaleb will probably miss some of those meetings due to football, but after football season starts he can jump right back in.
Mahala is doing really well in school. This year is going infinitely smoother then past years. She is a very emotional creature, I could not possibly imagine where she gets that from!! Haha. It is hard for me to remember that she is so young for her grade. I question whether or not I should have held her back since her birthday is so close to the cut off, but academically she excels. Emotionally she has some catching up to do. I have been reassured time and time again that she does wonderfully in school, but I am mama, it is my job to incessantly question myself as a parent and wonder how much counseling my children will have to seek when they are adults due to the irreversible damage caused by my cluelessness as a parent isn't it? Hmm, maybe I need counseling!! Kidding. Okay all joking aside. Mahala turned 7 last week. She got a brand new 20 inch bike for her birthday. It was a risk since she did not know how to ride a bike. She does now, although she lacks the confidence to ride for longer then 15 seconds straight before slamming on her brakes, she does know how to ride her bike straight and in a circle. I taught her how to do that. There was some falling, some tears and a fair amount of frustration. I guess that is what happens when you have a mother and a daughter that are exactly alike in every way imaginable. I love that girl. I don't think I could ask for anything different. She is constantly teaching me new things about myself. The other night she wanted me to reteach her how to wash her hair and use conditioner because she wants her hair to smell good all the time. It was fun and I love that she is constantly, and I do mean constantly wanting to soak up something new, no matter how small.
Mahala starts Girl Scouts for the year next Monday. Then Tuesday she starts gymnastics. She too is in Awana this year at our church every Wednesday, and I am pretty certain she is going to be her big brothers number one cheerleader on the sidelines every Saturday morning and my biggest helper. She is an awesome little girl.
Now on to Kellin. He is potty trained. The child that I thought would graduate from high school, possibly even college in diapers now wears underwear. He does a pretty darn good job at telling me when he needs to go to the bathroom, even when he is grossly involved in playing or some other activity. I think it is pretty amazing, both on his part and mine. That means out of my 4 children I only have one in diapers. I am pretty excited about that!!
Kellin is also starting to talk more. He keeps the entire family constantly entertained with his antics. Like when he comes up to me and "Shut the front door mom!", or walks up to Kaleb and his buddies and says "Come on guys.... are you serious?" (pronounced sewious). Pretty funny that kid. Kaleb especially enjoys it and laughs at him until he has tears in his eyes so even if you don't think Kellin is all that funny watching Kaleb laugh at him most certainly is.
Colton stood yesterday while he was leaning on the coffee table, and then he turned and leaned on the couch. He did not get up there on his own, but he stood no less. That is promising that he at least has the muscle tone to do so. He should start his physical therapy soon along with some other therapies. Our six month goal for him is to be walking. That puts him at 21 months. It may not be terribly realistic, but it is a goal no less and that gives us something to gauge his progress by and aim for. Goals are good, even the ones that may be just out of reach.
Mic has been working constantly. I am fairly certain Komatsu is trying to kill him. But they won't be able to. He is far too strong for that. He amazes me with his ability to get up each and every morning, often 7 days a week lately and go to work. And his work is hard, he is in a very physically demanding job. Then he still comes home and mows, and takes Kaleb to football and helps with the little kids a lot. I am not sure how he does it physically, but I thank God for him every chance I get.
I started school this week. I am taking 5 classes. It is way overwhelming, but I just keep telling myself that I only have 2 semesters left. I can do anything for 2 semesters. I mean I am the perpetual student. I have earned my Bachelors degree, part of a masters and now a Paralegal Certificate. Certainly I can do 2 semesters right? That remains to be seen my friends, but I am hopeful. Didn't I just say something about it being good to have goals......even if they are just out of reach? Hopefully this one just seems a tad bit out of reach because it is the first week and I don't even know which books go with which class at this point. I will get there, get in and get it done....eventually.
This blog is way too long. It isn't even really like a blog once you get to the third paragraph is it? It is more like a short story, or a memoir. Whatever. No deep insights this time around, no sentimental goo, just enjoying the stages of each of my children right now and trying to keep my head above water, or at least feel like I am keeping my head above water. School, football, gymnastics, Scouts, Awana, Mops, school activities, dr's, PT, oh and Fantasy Football this weekend! That means college football starts soon too along with the NFL, now those are good times!
My thoughts for the day remains original and totally random. Don't waste time taking too many pictures but don't every be sorry you didn't take enough. Try to find that perfect balance, just like everything else in life!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Ten doesn't seem like a terribly big number does it? No, not too big. Unless you are talking about the scale. I need the scale to be 10 pounds less. After 4 beautiful children, 2 marriages, 4 years in the military, a 4 year college degree, some grad school classes, a Paralegal program, 7 surgeries, a few other unpleasant procedures and many other life events I have 10 pounds that I cannot lose before I am back at the weight I was before I gave birth to my first child 9 years, 6 months and 9 days ago. I promised myself I would lose the weight before I had my hysterectomy. That didn't happen. So now I am telling myself it will be before I turn 30. I have unwittingly convinced myself that since I have had a hysterectomy and am about to turn 30 that if I don't lose this weight soon I will never lose it.
I have all but driven myself crazy with this issue. So, I have decided that I am just going to do it. I am going to lose those last 10 pounds so I can be at my "pre-pregnancy" weight by the time I am 30. Wish me luck, I will keep you posted......
On another note, exactly one week from tomorrow the kids head back to school. Mahala will be 7 on that day and going to her first day of 2nd grade. Kaleb will be starting 4th grade AND going to a new school. It is at the same school as the Jr. High, although they don't change classes and have lockers and such like the Jr. Highschoolers. But still. A new school, with Jr. High kids in the same vicinity. That is close. That was fast. I remember that little kid and the minute he was born like it was yesterday. I swear, I could tell you details, what my nurse at Womack Army Medical Center looked like, what they brought me to eat after I delivered him. He is such an amazing kid. I think all my children are amazing, but for such very very different reasons. They each have these spectacular qualities that are endearing and unique. They truly are fearfully and wonderfully made. Kaleb is my gentle, kind and precious boy. He has such a good demeanor, and he loves so good. I mean that kid knows how to make you feel loved. And he does it with no effort. It comes so easily and naturally to him. I cannot stand to see him hurting, it literally breaks my heart. And he is the absolute best big brother a kid could ask for. He is attentive, caring, funny, stern, always looking out for their best interests. He is amazing. When it comes to big brothers he is a 10. Top notch, doesn't get any better. Hey, maybe 10 isn't such a bad number??? Oh, just when it comes to pounds, lol.
I read other peoples blogs and they are so rich, insightful and deep. Mine however is not. Mine is a tad boring, fairly lengthy because just like when I talk I tend to overdo it just a tad, but the one thing it is is mine, and theirs. Kaleb, Mahala, Kellin and Colton. Everyday I have the opportunity to make an impression with my child. It could be something I do, say, don't do, don't say, something I read, a hug, a smile, a scold, or just a look. So as I write this I wonder if maybe if I didn't do anything significant that I can think of at this very moment, maybe this blog that my kids can read later on will leave a mark. A good one, a memory, a lesson brushed aside. Or maybe just a laugh or a chuckle. Or maybe it won't be this blog at all, maybe it will just be the kiss goodnight that they are guaranteed to get from me, whether or not today was a life lesson day or not.
I have all but driven myself crazy with this issue. So, I have decided that I am just going to do it. I am going to lose those last 10 pounds so I can be at my "pre-pregnancy" weight by the time I am 30. Wish me luck, I will keep you posted......
On another note, exactly one week from tomorrow the kids head back to school. Mahala will be 7 on that day and going to her first day of 2nd grade. Kaleb will be starting 4th grade AND going to a new school. It is at the same school as the Jr. High, although they don't change classes and have lockers and such like the Jr. Highschoolers. But still. A new school, with Jr. High kids in the same vicinity. That is close. That was fast. I remember that little kid and the minute he was born like it was yesterday. I swear, I could tell you details, what my nurse at Womack Army Medical Center looked like, what they brought me to eat after I delivered him. He is such an amazing kid. I think all my children are amazing, but for such very very different reasons. They each have these spectacular qualities that are endearing and unique. They truly are fearfully and wonderfully made. Kaleb is my gentle, kind and precious boy. He has such a good demeanor, and he loves so good. I mean that kid knows how to make you feel loved. And he does it with no effort. It comes so easily and naturally to him. I cannot stand to see him hurting, it literally breaks my heart. And he is the absolute best big brother a kid could ask for. He is attentive, caring, funny, stern, always looking out for their best interests. He is amazing. When it comes to big brothers he is a 10. Top notch, doesn't get any better. Hey, maybe 10 isn't such a bad number??? Oh, just when it comes to pounds, lol.
I read other peoples blogs and they are so rich, insightful and deep. Mine however is not. Mine is a tad boring, fairly lengthy because just like when I talk I tend to overdo it just a tad, but the one thing it is is mine, and theirs. Kaleb, Mahala, Kellin and Colton. Everyday I have the opportunity to make an impression with my child. It could be something I do, say, don't do, don't say, something I read, a hug, a smile, a scold, or just a look. So as I write this I wonder if maybe if I didn't do anything significant that I can think of at this very moment, maybe this blog that my kids can read later on will leave a mark. A good one, a memory, a lesson brushed aside. Or maybe just a laugh or a chuckle. Or maybe it won't be this blog at all, maybe it will just be the kiss goodnight that they are guaranteed to get from me, whether or not today was a life lesson day or not.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Inspiration from an unlikely, but appreciated, source
So I haven't blogged in ages. I haven't even thought about blogging. Someone posted today on my Facebook that I should start a blog. Hey, I have one of those, if they haven't deactivated it since it has been so long since I have logged on......much to my delight it is still here. And I must say, I went back and read over the whole woppin' 9 blog entries that I have posted and I really like being able to look back and remember what happened on a particular day that I normally would have probably never remembered. Like when Kellin was standing in his little brothers crib peeling decals off the wall. Or how Mahala has her moments where she is such a good big sister, and little sister that it brings tears to my eyes.
So, here's to starting my blog back up. My inspiration came from a very unlikely source. My ex-husbands wifes mother. Basically Kaleb and Mahala's grandparents that live in California. They got to meet them for the first time earlier this summer. It was quite and adventure for them. They got to fly on a huge airplane, just the two of them. My words of warning were, "Mahala don't talk to strangers (yeah right)" and "Kaleb do your best to make sure your sister doesn't tell our entire life story to some complete stranger on the airplane, please. No, really, please." Overall they did great. They were gone for 2 weeks. During that 2 weeks I took entirely too many pictures of the dogs because frankly, Kellin and Colton just aren't that cooperative. They went to Disneyland, which is SO cool. They went to the beach. They met some more of their cousins, and formed some great bonds. Those two kids have so much love to give, and so many people that love them in return. I am so blessed to know that no matter what happens in this world, there is no shortage of people who will love and cherish my children. That is a good feeling.They got to spend some much needed time with their dad and Miss Amber and see some dear old friends from another lifetime ago. And this was all after we spent 9 days down in Alabama at my parents house boating and fishing and swimming and having bonfires. Overall I would venture to say they have had a pretty good summer.
Now we are waiting for school to start. Kaleb starts football practice tonight. He is such a passive kid, but I have a sneaking suspicion there is some aggressiveness way down deep just waiting for the right outlet, I hope maybe this is it. I want so badly for him to find something that he is really really good at. Doesn't every mother want that for their child? I mean he is awesome at making friends, knows no stranger and catches on to pretty much anything fairly quickly, but I want him to be good, I mean really good at something. I am just not so sure that paying good money to have someone tackle my child is the answer, but hey, we will try anything once right?? We explained to him that there was no quitting once he started. I wonder if I am not going to be the one marching out on that field when he gets the crap beat out of him or tackled by 6 kids twice his size. Haha, I am such a bad playground mom!!
I had surgery last Wednesday, August 3rd. It was long overdue. I had a hysterectomy and left ovary removal. I had been having so many problems since Colton was born and with my severe endometriosis that it was unfair to the kids and Mic every two months when I would get so sick. So, hopefully after this recovery I will be well, really really well so we can move past this phase of life where everyone is worried about mommy. Yeah, that is not fun, for anyone so we can be done with that any time now. Right now I am not recovering as quickly as I had hoped, which I guess is okay because I am sure if I felt tip top I would be doing too much anyway. Maybe this past year has taught me to finally listen to my body because 2 close calls is just 2 too many. I have 4 children, 3 dogs, 2 cats and a husband to raise!! Speaking of husbands, Mic has been wonderful. Taking care of so much and with such grace, uh, if guys have grace, or whatever they have.
Okay this has gotten way too long. Just a quick note on the title......a little inspiration from an unlikely source is what prompted me to go find my blog, and try twice on what they password was, but I got it on the second try. Look over the few blogs I did post and decide that blogging is a good thing, and fun, and sometimes just what you need to give you some perspective. So, I leave you with this. Look for your inspiration in the little things, in the unlikely places, and take it for what it is worth. I have some amazing people in my life that care about me, or my kids, or me and my kids, and my husband, or however, whichever or whatever. Point is care a little, or more then you do, you will get more in return for your efforts then you ever expected.
So, here's to starting my blog back up. My inspiration came from a very unlikely source. My ex-husbands wifes mother. Basically Kaleb and Mahala's grandparents that live in California. They got to meet them for the first time earlier this summer. It was quite and adventure for them. They got to fly on a huge airplane, just the two of them. My words of warning were, "Mahala don't talk to strangers (yeah right)" and "Kaleb do your best to make sure your sister doesn't tell our entire life story to some complete stranger on the airplane, please. No, really, please." Overall they did great. They were gone for 2 weeks. During that 2 weeks I took entirely too many pictures of the dogs because frankly, Kellin and Colton just aren't that cooperative. They went to Disneyland, which is SO cool. They went to the beach. They met some more of their cousins, and formed some great bonds. Those two kids have so much love to give, and so many people that love them in return. I am so blessed to know that no matter what happens in this world, there is no shortage of people who will love and cherish my children. That is a good feeling.They got to spend some much needed time with their dad and Miss Amber and see some dear old friends from another lifetime ago. And this was all after we spent 9 days down in Alabama at my parents house boating and fishing and swimming and having bonfires. Overall I would venture to say they have had a pretty good summer.
Now we are waiting for school to start. Kaleb starts football practice tonight. He is such a passive kid, but I have a sneaking suspicion there is some aggressiveness way down deep just waiting for the right outlet, I hope maybe this is it. I want so badly for him to find something that he is really really good at. Doesn't every mother want that for their child? I mean he is awesome at making friends, knows no stranger and catches on to pretty much anything fairly quickly, but I want him to be good, I mean really good at something. I am just not so sure that paying good money to have someone tackle my child is the answer, but hey, we will try anything once right?? We explained to him that there was no quitting once he started. I wonder if I am not going to be the one marching out on that field when he gets the crap beat out of him or tackled by 6 kids twice his size. Haha, I am such a bad playground mom!!
I had surgery last Wednesday, August 3rd. It was long overdue. I had a hysterectomy and left ovary removal. I had been having so many problems since Colton was born and with my severe endometriosis that it was unfair to the kids and Mic every two months when I would get so sick. So, hopefully after this recovery I will be well, really really well so we can move past this phase of life where everyone is worried about mommy. Yeah, that is not fun, for anyone so we can be done with that any time now. Right now I am not recovering as quickly as I had hoped, which I guess is okay because I am sure if I felt tip top I would be doing too much anyway. Maybe this past year has taught me to finally listen to my body because 2 close calls is just 2 too many. I have 4 children, 3 dogs, 2 cats and a husband to raise!! Speaking of husbands, Mic has been wonderful. Taking care of so much and with such grace, uh, if guys have grace, or whatever they have.
Okay this has gotten way too long. Just a quick note on the title......a little inspiration from an unlikely source is what prompted me to go find my blog, and try twice on what they password was, but I got it on the second try. Look over the few blogs I did post and decide that blogging is a good thing, and fun, and sometimes just what you need to give you some perspective. So, I leave you with this. Look for your inspiration in the little things, in the unlikely places, and take it for what it is worth. I have some amazing people in my life that care about me, or my kids, or me and my kids, and my husband, or however, whichever or whatever. Point is care a little, or more then you do, you will get more in return for your efforts then you ever expected.
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